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Cloud migration


Moving a business' digital solutions to the cloud benefits in many different ways. Some of which are cost savings, infinite scalability, performance, and many many more. In most cases, the transition is more involved than just moving the code. To see the real fruits the migration has to be done right.

As surprising as it is, the majority of internet resources today are still hosted on dedicated machines that an organization purchased or rented. And yet, with lots of clear benefits in using cloud services, many organizations are still refraining from migrating there digital solutions to a cloud; and there are many reasons for that.

Our engineering team will build a detailed plan for migrating your business digital solution to a cloud. We will provide all the details related to the changes in the current solution, required resources, timeframes for delivery, costs, and execution. We do that with your team in mind, so your organization can take over the further development and maintenance once migration is complete.

Get in touch to discuss your project, request a quote or even just to pick our brains